价值理论是任何一个经济学流派的基础理论。正是在价值理论的基础上 ,各经济学流派才能构建各自的经济学理论体系 ,也正是围绕着这一核心问题 ,经济学从未停止过争论。从被马克思称之为具有谜一般性质的交换价值形态的研究开始 ,在对劳动价值论、效用价值论和稀少性理论 3种价值理论的比较与综合中 ,尝试性地探讨价值的真正内涵 ,提出交换的全部合理性内涵 ,价值的起源及定义是包括抽象劳动在内的稀少性抽象效用 ,而不应单纯只归结为抽象劳动。
The controversy on value theory, a basic theory in economic theory system, is endless since its naissance. In this paper, we first study the exchange value form, a riddle question raised by Marx, and then on the basis of contrasting and synthesizing three kinds of value theories: labor theory of value, utility theory of value and scarce theory, we try to explore the real meaning of value, i.e., the whole real meaning of exchange. The origin and definition of value should be scarce abstract utility, which includes abstract labor.
Journal of Shijiazhuang University of Economics