新技术的发展正深刻地改变着工作的性质 ,引导着就业和工作的转型 ;与此同时 ,也对教育提出了新的要求 ,潜在地导致教育的转型。在信息时代 ,知识和信息成为将个体重新整合入高生产率工作场所的基础。新的信息经济呼唤新型工人 ,因而正规学校教育和在职培训的重要性日益增加。学校教育与劳动过程都需要增强弹性、合作和参与性 ,并且二者之间应加强相互联系。
The new technology is profoundly changing the nature of work, leading to the transformation of employment and work. As it changes the nature of work, it puts new demands on education, potentially transforming it. During the information age, knowledge and information become the bases for reintegrating the individual into a highly productive workplace. The new information economy demands new workers, therefore, the importance for formal schooling and on-job training increase. Both schooling and labor process need enhance flexibility, cooperation and participation, and the relation between them.
Peking University Education Review