目的 建立适合大规模生产重组人干扰素 β(rhIFN β)的分离纯化工艺。 方法 采用超声破菌、离心分离包涵体、仲丁醇萃取、Sephacryl 10 0、HIC层析等分离纯化步骤。结果 纯化的rhIFN β纯度达 98%以上 ,比活性为 2 .0× 10 7IU/mg,各项质量指标均符合质控标准。结论 此纯化工艺简便 ,可重复性好 ,适于大规模生产。
Objective To develop a procedure suitable for the large scale purification of recombinant human IFN β(rhIFN β).Methods A procedure,consisting of breakage of bacteria by ultrasonication,separation of inclusion body by centrifugation,extraction with 2 butanol solution and purification by Sephacryl 100 and HIC chromatography,was developed.Results The purity and specific activity of rhIFN β purified by the procedure reached above 98% and 2×10 7IU/mg respectively.All the indexes of the rhIFN β met the standard for quality control.Conclusion The purification procedure is simple and of good reproducibility.It is suitable for large scale production.
Chinese Journal of Biologicals