异象手法是《圣经》中最具“圣经特质”的手法和表现技巧。它既体现了圣经文学寓抽象于具象、寓世俗于超验的文学思维模式 ,又展示出圣经文学想象奇幻、描绘生动的审美品性与价值。《圣经》中的异象手法对后世犹太作家有很大的影响。
The variant imagery writing technique in the Bible is the most distinct “Biblical characteristic” skill and technique of expression. It not only embodies the Biblical literature mode of thinking that incorporates the abstract in the concrete, and the empirical in the surreal, but also unfolds the aesthetic taste and value of the Biblical literature with kaleidoscopic imagination and vivid description. The variant imagery writing technique in the Bible had great influence on the later Jewish writers.
Journal of Jiangsu Institute of Education(Social Science)