目的 使用高分辨MRI对家兔颈动脉粥样硬化模型颈动脉内膜剥脱术 (CEA)手术前后进行动态观察。方法 以干燥气体损伤 (12 0ml/min ,持续充气 15min)结合高脂饲料喂养 2个月 (6 %花生油、2 %胆固醇加入普通饲料 ,约按每天 10 0g/只进食饲料 )制作家兔颈动脉粥样硬化模型。正常家兔 1只、CEA术前模型家兔 4只、手术后 10天家兔 2只分别行MRI检查 ,并与相应病理组织切片对照。结果 高分辨MRI可以显示家兔Ⅱ~Ⅳ型粥样硬化病变的轮廓、形态 ,组织切片与活体MRI影像无论管腔形状还是斑块轮廓均对应良好 ,纤维斑块在TOF显示低信号 ,在T1、T2 、PDW均显示为浅灰影像 ,并在注射对比剂后有明显增强 ,术后 10天MRI与新内膜的轮廓对应也良好 ,大致呈纤维组织为主的浅灰斑块。结论 高分辨MRI是家兔颈动脉粥样硬化模型CEA手术前后 1种很好的无创动态观察方法。
Objective To serially observe carotid arteriosclerosis in rabbit model before and after CEA using high-resolution MRI. Methods Using New Zealand rabbits, lesions were created by air-drying an isolated segment of common carotid artery (120ml/min for 15min) and feeding the rabbits with a diet of 2% cholesterol, 6% peanut oil mixed with normal diet for 2 months. High-resolution MRI examinations were performed for 1 normal rabbit, 4 rabbits with replicated arteriosclerosis before CEA, and 2 rabbits with arteriosclerosis 10 days after CEA, and the results were compared with pathological findings. Results High-resolution MRI revealed the contour and shape of the type II to type IV lesions of rabbit carotid arteriosclerosis model. The MRI images of the lesions corresponded well with the pathological findings. The fibrous plaques were showed as low signals on TOF film, gray images on T 1, T 2, and PDW film, and were obviously enhanced by Gd-DTPA. The MRI images obtained 10 days after CEA also corresponded well with the neo-intima. Conclusion High-resolution MRI can be used as an effective non-invasive method to serially observe the arteriosclerosis lesion of rabbit carotid artery before and after CEA.
Medical Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army