针对美国公共卫生协会等编制的<Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater>第19版中有关水质稳定中pHs的计算进行了探讨.对有关pHs的计算式作了详细的推导,推导出另一重碳酸盐离子浓度计算公式,并作了两种重碳酸盐离子浓度计算公式的计算结果比较.当pH值较小时,推导的公式与<StandardMethods for Examination of Water and Wastewater>第19版中的公式的计算结果无显著差异;但在pH>7.5时,两者相对误差大于0.3%.而当pH=9时,两者相对误差为10.4%.在pH=6.0~7.5范围内,且总碱度大于1.0mmol/L(50 mg/L CaCO3)时,总碱度[Alk]t与[HCO3-]无显著差异;但当pH<6.0,pH>7.5时,[Alk]t与[HCO3-]相对误差大于0.4%.
A discussion was made on the calculation of pHs concerning water quality stabilization in the 19th edition of Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater prepared by American Association of Public Health. Detailed deduction of formulas for calculation of pHS was carried out, which resulted in the formation of another formula for the calculation of the ionic concentration of bicarbonate, and a comparison is made between the results of the calculations of the ionic concentration of bicarbonate using the two calculation formulas. When the pH values were small, there were no obvious differences between the results of the calculations using the deducted formula and the results of the calculations using the formula given in the 19th edition of Standard Methods for Examination of Water and Wastewater. However, when pH value was bigger than 7.5, the difference between the two was bigger than 0.3%. When pH value was 9, the error between the two was 10.4%. When pH value was within the range of 6.0 ~ 7.5 and the total alkalinity was above 1.0 mmol/L(50 mg/L CaCO3), there is no obvious difference between the total alkalinity t and ; but when pH<6.0 and pH>7.5, the relative difference between t and was bigger than 0.4%.
Industrial Water & Wastewater
water quality stabilization
balance of carbonate
pHS value
cooling water