目的 :介绍和探讨全脊柱相控阵线圈的应用及扫描技术。方法 :使用PhilipsGyroscanIntera 1.5T超导磁共振成像系统及其配置的全脊柱相控阵线圈 ,对 10 0例疑有脊柱及脊髓病变患者进行全脊柱扫描 ,探讨其临床实用价值和扫描技巧。结果 :10 0例均获得满意的全脊柱影像。结论 :相控阵全脊柱线圈的应用为全面整体地显示脊柱及脊髓病变提供了可能 ,也为局部病变的定位提供了更准确的影像依据 。
Objective:To discuss the application of MR phase arrayed total spine coil (PATSC) and related scanning technique.Methods:100 cases suspected with spinal diseases were performed total spine scanning with phase arrayed total spine coil at a Philips 1.5T magnetic resonance system.Results:All patients got satisfied images of total spine.Conclusion: PATSC provides a possible way to display high quality MR images of the whole spine.
Radiologic Practice