目的 在具有抗缺氧成份藏药中寻找部队快速进入高原,增强适应能力的药物。 方法 将151名入伍新战士随机分为4个实验组和1个空白对照组。实验组选用洛布桑、诺迪康、藏王宝等,空白对照组为外观一致的医用淀粉,观察实验前后心电图变化。 结果 进藏前实验组与对照组比较无差异(P>0.05);进藏前后自身对照及进藏后心率、QT间期、QT/TQ对照组与实验组存有明显差异(P<0.05~0.01)。结论 两组显著差异系实验用药干预所致,提示有不同程度抗缺氧作用,以诺迪康及洛布桑较好,无毒副作用,可作为预防急性高原病用药进一步研究。
To find out the effective Tibetan anti-hypoxic drugs to improve the army recruits' adjust capacity at high altitude. Methods To divided 151 recruits into 5 groups with 4 test groups by taking 洛布桑,诺迪康 & 藏王宝 地奥心血康 drugs &1 control group. And examine their ECG before & after they enter to high altitude. Results the ECG results had no significant changes to all 5 groups before entry to High altitude (P > 0.05) . And after entry, the heart rate of the control group beat faster, Q-T and QT/TQ ratio increased, and amplitude of RS wave decreased by comparison with those drug groups. Conclusion those 4 drugs have certain effects on hypoxic prevention, 洛布桑 and 诺迪康 are more effective than the others.
Tibetan Medicine