目的 探讨老年期发病的类风湿关节炎的临床特点。 方法 对 4 3例 6 0岁以后发病的老年患者的临床特点进行分析 ,并与 5 9例年青发病患者进行比较。 结果 老年组男性发病多 ,急性起病较多 ;肩和膝等大关节作为首发关节者在老年组 (37 2 % )高于青中年组 (11 8% ) ;老年组患者关节症状及关节功能障碍均重于青中年组患者 ,且并发心、肺疾患和骨关节炎者明显增多。 结论 老年组在发病形式、首发受累关节均与青中年患者不同 ,且关节症状严重程度与青中年组患者显著不同 ,老年人并发症多于青中年人。
Objective To analyze the clinical profile of elderly onset rheumatoid arthritis (EORA). Methods The clinical and laboratory aspects of 43 patients with EORA were analyzed, and compared with 59 patients with younger onset rheumatoid arthritis (YORA). Results EORA differed from YORA by a more equal gender distribution, a higher frequency of acute onset, more involvement of shoulder, knee and ankle joints as an initial presentation. The disease activity and functional decline in patients with EORA were more severe than that in YORA patients. In addition, The number of patients with other diseases, including lung or heart diseases, or osteoarthritis, was higher in EORA group than in EORA group. Conclusions EORA is characterised by a less female preponderance, more acute onset with large joint involvement and higher disease activity.
Chinese Journal of Geriatrics