

Interaenerational conflicts" in The Butterfly and Their Imaginary settlement
摘要 《蝴蝶》中的张思远虽然产生了“庄生梦蝶”般的身份认同的困惑,但是最终在“人民之子”的身份上找到了自己的“真正归宿”。或许这也正是这篇“反思”小说“反思”的最后结果。作者试图通过小说中两种层面的代际冲突即“人民(父母)——张思远(儿子)”、“张思远(父亲)——冬冬(儿子)”来分析小说构建的“人民”神话的想象性意义,以及“人民”认同的叙事策略又是如何舒缓了新时期之初的时代心理紧张。 Although the protagonist of The Butterfly Zhang Si-yuan feels somewhat confused as to his i- dentity, he still manages to find his 'genuine destination'by way of his status as 'the son of the people', which may be the ultimate outcome of 'reflection' from this novel of 'reflection'. By describing two lev- els of intergenerational conflicts- those between 'the people (parents) and Zhang Si-yuan (son) 'as well as between 'Zhang Si-yuan (father) and Dong-dong (son)', the author of the novel tries to analyze the imaginary significance of 'the people' s' myth pictured in the novel as well as how the narrative skills ac- ceptable to 'the people'have helped ease the epochal mental tension at the beginning of the new century.
作者 詹庆生
出处 《海南师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2004年第2期58-61,共4页
关键词 《蝴蝶》 “人民”认同 代际冲突 张思远 冬冬 The Butter fly acceptance by 'the people' intergenerational conflicts Zhang Si-yuan Dong-dong
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