目的 :探讨采用贝那普利合并吲哒帕胺治疗高血压的疗效。方法 :设对照组 :福辛普利钠 +非洛地平口服 ;治疗组 :贝那普利 +吲哒帕胺口服 ,两组均从小剂量开始 ,观察 8周 ,对两组临床观察结果进行比较。结果 :治疗组与对照组降压幅度无显著差异 ( P >0 .0 5 )。结论 :治疗组副作用明显低于对照组 ,并发症少、剂量小、易掌握、节时省钱。
Objective: To investigate the therapeutic effect of combined benazepril hydrochloride with indpamide on hypertension. Methods: The patients in placebo group were treated with fosinopril sodium adding felodipine and taken orally, and the patients in treatment group were treated with benazepril hydrochloride adding indpamide and taken orally, both groups start from little dose. Clinical results between two groups were compared after observed 8 weeks. Results: The therapeutic effect of treatment group isn’t more than that of placebo on alleviated hypertension (P>0.05). Conclusion: The treatment group has fewer side effects, lower replace rate and little dose, easier to master and more economical than placebo group.
Journal of Shenyang Medical College