本文报道了蚜虫的一种天敌——小枕异绒螨Allothrombium pulvinum Ewing及其饲养方法,描述了生活史各期形态,观察了实验室和田间生活史及习性,测定了温度20—30℃,湿度60—95%和光周期15L—9D条件下的生活史各期历期。
Alloihrombium pulvinum Ewing is a natural enemy of aphids in China and a combination of conventional rearing methods of mites is found feasible for its rearing in the laboratory on Aphis fabae and other aphids. The morphology of each developmental stage is described. The-durations of egg stage, prelarva, larva, protonymph, deutonymph and tritonymph were found to be 14-19, 7-9, 14-17, 12-15, 18-22 and 9-12 days respectively at the temperature ranging from 20° to 30℃, RH 60-95% and photo period 115: d9. Its seasonal occurrence was also-observed in the field in Shanghai. Comparisons of the morphological characters of the larvae and adults among Allothrombium pulvinwn, A. lerouxi and A. juliginosum revealed that classification with larvae is easier and more reliable than that with adults or nymphs. The result of rearing experiments in laboratory implies that large numbers of the A. pulvinum mite can be obtained through the continuous rearing about one month from a few adults collected from the field, and this method could provide the basis of mass release of this mite in the field. Studies on its suppressive effect on aphid populations are needed for evaluation of its potential as a biological agent.
Acta Entomologica Sinica
Allothrombittm pulvinum Ewing--life history--aphid control