目的 :提出儿童鼻腔及鼻咽脑膨出的特征性临床及影像学表现 ,以提高诊断正确率。方法 :搜集并分析近年 4例表现鼻腔或鼻咽肿块的儿童先天性脑膨出的临床及影像学资料 ,总结其具有特征性临床及影像学表现。结果 :额筛脑膨出 3例 ,患侧流清涕及鼻塞、鼻腔肿块是其重要的临床表现 ,影像学表现为筛板部分缺如 ,颅内容物通过该骨缺损向鼻腔延伸。经蝶窦脑膜脑膨出 1例 ,垂体下丘脑功能紊乱及鼻咽部后鼻孔肿块是其重要临床表现 ,影像学表现蝶骨部分缺如 ,颅内容物通过该缺损向鼻咽部延伸。结论 :表现为鼻腔和鼻咽部肿块的脑膨出临床及影像学表现具有特征性 ,MRI在显示疝囊内容物与颅内结构的关系优于CT。
Objective:To improve the diagnostic accuracy by analyzing the specific clinical manifestations and imaging findings of nasal and nasopharygeal cephalocele in children.Methods:4 cases of congenital cephaloceles in children appeared as nasal or nasopharygeal mass and the imaging findings were reviewed.Results:3 cases were frontoethmoid cephaloceles,and most of them had history of rhinorrhea,nasal obstruction with nasal cavity mass.MRI showed extention of intracranial contents to the nasal cavity through the defect of cribriform plate.One case was sphenoid cephalocele,and had history of hypothalamus or pituitary disturbance with nasopharygeal mass.MRI showed herniation of intracranial contents to the nasopharygeal region through sphenoidal defect.Conclusion:The congenital cephaloceles in children which clinically appear as nasal or nasopharygeal mass have specific clinical manifestations and imaging features.MRI is superior to CT in the demonstration of herniation and relationship between herniated contents and intracranial structures.
Radiologic Practice