目的 提高对肾结核CT征象的认识。方法 中后期肾结核 2 8例 ,分别经手术 (18例 )和尿培养 (10例 )证实 ,综合其CT征象和手术病理结果 ,结合文献资料予以分析。结果 2 8例肾结核 ,在CT上有2 2例可见大小数量不一的囊状低密度区 ;2 0例显示肾盂和 (或 )输尿管壁增厚 ,2例在CT上仅表现为输尿管壁的弥漫性增厚和肾功能减退 ;2例呈实质性肿块状 ;16例有钙化 ,2例平扫呈均匀的囊状高密度影。结论 肾结核各期的CT表现差异较大 ,围绕肾盂排列的囊状改变。
Objective To evaluate CT feat ur es of renal tuberculosis.Methods Twenty eight cases of renal t uberculosis at metaphase and late phase were comfirmed by surgery(n=18) and urine culture(n=10).The results of surgico patho logy and CT fingings were analyzed and the related literatures were reviewed.Results Among 28 cases,CT scan showed that the lesions in 22 cases appeared as various cystic low density.20 as thickening of the wall of the rena l pelvis and/or ureter,and 2 of them only as thickening of the wall of the urete r with impairment of renal funciton.In two cases,lesions appeared as solid masse s.Calcification was found in 16 cases and cystic high density in 2 cases.Conclusion CT findings of renal tuberculosis were diverse in differen t phases.Cystic lesions around the pelvis and diffuse thickening of the wall of the pelvis and/or ureter are the most typical CT findings of metaphase and late phase renal tuberculosis.
Chinese Journal of Primary Medicine and Pharmacy