Aim To synthesize isonucleoside-incorporated oligonucleotides and investigatetheir binding abilities with complementary sequences. Methods The synthesis was performed on DNAsynthesizer, and the binding behavior was investigated by thermal denaturation studies. Results Fourkinds of single isonucleoside containing oligonucleotides were synthesized. The results of thermaldenaturation showed that the existence of isonucleoside decreased the stability of duplex, and theeffect was more obvious when the isonucleoside was in the middle of the sequence. No obviousdifference was observed when 6'-OH of isonucleoside was free or was protected by allyl group.Conclusions The existence of isonucleoside in oli-gonucleotide makes chain twist and decreased thestability of duplex.
目的 合成异核苷掺入寡核苷酸并考察它们与互补序列的结合能力。方法 采用DNA固相合成仪合成寡核苷酸 ,通过热变性实验考察双链的稳定性。结果 合成了四条单异核苷掺入的寡核苷酸 ,热变性实验结果发现异核苷的引入降低了双链的稳定性 ,当异核苷处于寡核苷酸链的中央时 ,这种影响更为明显。异核苷 6′ OH处于游离和烯丙基保护状态时的结果没有显著差异。结论 寡核苷酸中的异核苷使链发生扭曲 ,从而导致双链稳定性降低。