针对高校学生普遍忽视“专业英语”课程的现象 ,从学习时间、学习重点、教材选择这三方面对普通英语课程和专业英语课程进行了比较。电子技术类专业的特点是发展快 ,行业专业术语、缩写名词更新快。本文结合这些特点和一些实际教学经验 ,对电子类专业英语课程的教学提出了改变学生学习观念、采取多种教学形式、增加教材的多样性等几点建议。同时也希望主讲教师不断提高和充实自身的英语和专业知识水平。
This paper is directed at that the students usually ignore the Professional English Course, and compares the Basic English Course with the Professional English Course in 3 aspects: learning time ,emphasis of learning and the choice of textbooks. The electronics technique has rapidly developing characteristics and a lot of abbreviations. Some advices of teaching Professional English Course are put forward, according to the teaching practice and the characteristics of electronic technique. These advices include changing the studying attitude, teaching by many ways and improving the textbooks. It is also mentioned that the teacher should enhance the English level and the professional knowledge.
Journal of Electrical and Electronic Education