
肝癌模型冷冻治疗前后血清AFP,IL-10和TGF-β1水平的测定及意义(英文) 被引量:1

Detection and significance of levels of AFP,IL-10,TGF-β1 before and after cryosurgery of HCC model
摘要 目的 小鼠肝细胞癌模型经冷冻处理后 ,通过测量外周血AFP值及IL - 10、TGFβ1的浓度 ,研究小鼠肝癌经冷冻处理后的体内免疫状况的变化。方法 取Balb/s小鼠 4 8只制成肝癌模型 ,随机分为 2组 ,一组为对照组 ,另一组为冷冻处理组 ,分别于冷冻处理后 2h、2W、3W、4W采用眼球取血法取血 ,采用放免法测AFP值 ,采用双抗体夹心ELISA法测其血浆中IL - 10、TGF - β1的浓度。比较两组小鼠治疗前后免疫功能的变化情况。结果 冷冻组各指标呈递减趋势 ,与对照组比较差别有显著性 ,各时间点组间比较差别有显著性。结论 小鼠肝细胞癌模型经冷冻治疗术后免疫功能增强 ,存在显著的冷冻免疫效应。 Objective: To study immunocompetent changes in mice after cryosurgical treatment for liver cancer and provide immunological evidences for clinical application of cryosurg ery when levels of AFP,TGF-β1 and IL-10 were checked in periphery blood of H CC model. Methods:3-weeks-old Balb mice were randomized into co ntrol group and cryosurgery group after injection of HCC Hela cells 2×10 4/mic e into abdominal cavity. Female and male mice of every group were all 24. Tumor s were apparently upgrowth at injection position on 14 days in all mice. Average diameter was 0.8 cm and the biggest one was 1.6 cm. Blood specimens were acqu ired by eyeball blood sampling to test relative immune criteria in 2 h,14,21 ,28 days after management. ELISA was applied to measure the changes of IL-10 an d TGF-β1 and compared immunocompetent changes in two groups.Results:Immune criterion measurement indicated that levels of IL-10 ,TGF-β1 and A FP decreased in cryosurgery group,and there was significant difference between control group and cryosurgery group. Conclusions: Immunoenhance ment could be achieved in HCC after cryosurgery and cryoimmune effects are pres ented.
出处 《中国现代医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 2004年第6期15-18,共4页 China Journal of Modern Medicine
关键词 肝细胞癌 冷冻免疫 ELISA HCC cryoimmunology ELISA
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