观察丙肝 号治疗慢性丙型肝炎 40例的临床疗效 ,并与 α-干扰素治疗 3 0例随机对照观察。结果显示 :治疗组与对照组治疗 6个月 ,改善临床症状明显 ( P<0 .0 5 ) ,降低 ALT、AST有显著性 ( P<0 .0 1 ) ;治疗组治疗 6个月后 HCV-RNA阴转率为 2 5 % ,随访 6个月后 HCV-RNA阴转率维持在 2 5 % ;对照组阴转率为2 3 %。结论 :丙肝 号对慢性丙型肝炎有较好疗效 ,与α-干扰素疗效相似。
To observe the therapeutic effects of prescription No.1 for anti-Hepatitis C(PIAHC)on chronic C hepatitis. 70 cases chronic C hepatitis patients with abnormal hepatic function and HCV-RNA positive were randomly divided into 2 groups.40 patients were treated by PIAHC and 30 patients (contrast group)by interferon.Result:clinical symptoms of 2 groups were improved significantly after 6 months treatment(P<0.05);the ALT,AST level get lower significantly(P<0.01);the HCV-RNA got negative at the rate of 25% in therapeutic group and maintain the same rate after 6 months while in the contrast group it got negative at the rate of 40% and reduce to 23.3% after 6 months.Result:The therapeutic effects of Prescription No.1 for Anti-Hepatitis C on chronic C hepatitis is as good as that of interferon.
Journal of Fujian College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
福建省卫生厅科研基金资助课题 ( 960 4)