进入 2 1世纪 ,以北京、上海、广州为代表的中国大城市开始着眼于“大城市、大郊区”发展战略的实施 ,郊区新城成为这些城市新一轮城市发展的重要空间。早在 2 0世纪中期 ,发达国家的一些大城市便实行了重点开发郊区新城的城市发展战略 ,在半个多世纪的发展过程中 ,形成了比较丰富的经验和教训。本文着重分析了国际大城市郊区新城建设的历史经验和发展趋势 ,期待能对我国大城市郊区新城规划建设有所裨益。
Some cities,such as Beijing and Shanghai,begin to implement the strategy of developing new towns in the suburbs and new towns have been the important developing space of these cities.In fact,this strategy was implemented in the developed cities early in 1950s and a lot of experience and lesson has been accumulated.This thesis emphasizes on analyzing the experience and tendency of the construction of new towns in these cities,expecting it is useful for the construction of new town in Chinese urban suburbs.
Urban Problems