目的 :为建立阴茎海绵体神经损伤后勃起功能障碍 (ED)的动物模型。 方法 :通过对大鼠的局部解剖 ,识别并分离出海绵体神经、盆腔星状神经节、盆神经及腹下神经 ,并经海绵体穿刺连接多道生理记录仪 ,连续测定海绵体神经切断前、后电刺激海绵体神经、盆腔星状神经节所引起的海绵体内压改变 ,评估神经性ED动物模型的建立。 结果 :勃起过程受神经支配 ,自主神经纤维通过盆神经及腹下神经汇入盆腔星状神经节 ,并通过海绵体神经支配阴茎勃起。实验显示 ,损伤海绵体神经可造成ED。 结论 :用大鼠可以制作成理想的海绵体神经损伤后ED的动物模型。海绵体神经损伤前后刺激盆腔神经节 ,同时测定海绵体内压是评估ED动物模型是否建立成功的简单、有效方法。
Objective:To establish a rat model of erectile dysfunction caused by the injury of the cavernous nerve. Methods:Rats topographical anatomy were done for identifing the cavernous nerve and major pelvic ganglion and pelvic nerve and hypogastric nerve .Polygraph intracavernous pressure of the models were detected continuously and evaluated. Results:Erectile process was controlled by erectile nerve. Major pelvic ganglion includes two inflows,they are called pelvic nerve and hypogastric nerve. The largest outflow is cavernous nerve. The injury of the cavernous nerve will lead to erectile dysfunction. Conclusion:Rat can be an ideal animal model for studying the erectile dysfunction caused by cavernous nerve injury. The neuvological mechanism of erectile dysfunction can be evaluated with determination of intracavernous pressure.
Journal of Medical Postgraduates