壁画艺术作为诸多艺术形式的重要组成部分 ,它的发展与不同时期的社会生活习俗、宗教、哲学思想和审美观念紧密相联。干壁画与湿壁画实质上是东西方文化差异在这些方面的具体体现。随着石窟考古学、美术史学、古代工艺史学等领域研究的不断深入与拓展 ,向科技考古学提出了“如何鉴定古代干壁画与湿壁画”这一问题。本文从这两种形式壁画制作材料和工艺上的差别出发 ,论述了鉴定古代干湿壁画的科学方法 ,并探讨了中国有无湿壁画这个美术史学界关注的问题。
The wall painting is an important form of art. Its development is closely related with the contemporary life, customs, religion, philosophy and aesthetic ideas. The difference between the oriental culture and western culture is demonstrated by Secco and Buon Frescoes,so the problem of how to distinguish between the ancient Secco and Buon Frescoes in the lab is important. The paper makes an introduction of the scientific methods to distinguish Secco Fresco from Buon Fresco in terms of the differences in the materials and craftmanship between two kinds of wall paintings.
Cultural Relics of Central China