西鄂尔多斯自然保护区是一个以保护古老残遗植物及草原向荒漠过渡的植被带和多样的生态系统为主要对象的综合性自然保护区。受传统资源开发模式的影响 ,生态环境十分脆弱 ,保护难度极大。西部大开发为这一区域旅游开发提供了机遇 ,通过旅游开发 ,建立新的经济开发模式 ,促使区域生态环境好转 ,以促进保护区的建设和发展。
XIERDUOSI Nature Reserve is a comprehensive nature protected area where old and enelangered species transitional vegetation belt from steppe to desert and multiple ecosystems are mainly protected. Under the influence of traditional developing model,the area ecological environment is fragile and protecting of the area is very diffculty. There are a serices of challenges the area will face during exploiting the western region. Developing tourism industry and buliding up new developing model are important measures to improve ecological environment and development. The paper analyzes the strategic significance and feasibility of the developing tourism in XIERDUOSI.
Inner Mongolia Environmental Protection