大庆物探公司研究所解释机房的工作站类型多、解释软件多、解释工区多 ,而绘图软件只有一个 ,绘图仪 4台。使得工作站和输出设备之间的比例严重失调 ,只能是多台工作站共享一台外设。如何提高机器的利用率 ,此文结合地震资料解释的实际情况 ,缩短解释周期的思路和方法作了介绍。
There're too many types of workstations and too many interpretative softwares and working areas in the interpretative -room of Daqing Geophysical Research Institute, DGEC. But there's only one kind of mapping software and 4 sets of plotting instrument in there, which caused serious disproportion between the workstation and the output device. In this case, one set of peripheral equipment has to be shared with a few sets of workstations. This paper presents a method about how to improve the availability of machine and shorten the interpretative period, based on the practical situation of the seismic data.
Equipment for Geophysical Prospecting