啤酒生产中能源的消耗约占生产成本的 10 %。在开展啤酒企业清洁生产审核中 ,系统分析啤酒企业能源消耗状况 ,对比国内外先进工艺和技术 ,提出可以通过加强用能管理 ,采用麦汁一段冷却工艺、糖化热能回收、糖化热水回收、热电联供回收系统、沼气回收系统 ,以及在北方利用冬季室外风冷却系统的技术工艺 ,可以减少能源的消耗 ,达到节能、降耗、减污。
In the cost of beer brewing,the energy consumption is up to 10 percent.During cleaner product audit,the energy source consumption of beer brewing industry was analyzed systematically and compared with those which the advanced technologies for energy saving were used.The related measures for reducing the energy comsumption were put forward,for examples the first stage cooling of malt extract,recovery of heat energy of glyconeogenesis,recovery of heat water,recover and combustion of marsh gas from wastewater treatment,and the cooling system by air ourdoor in the winter.And the pollutant discharged was greatly depressed.Then the aims of cleaner product can be achieved.
Energy Conservation Technology