From January 1982 to December 1990, 179 cases of PDA were operated under CPB in Fu Wai Hospital. Using median sternotomy, 147 cases of PDA were closed through the transpulmonary route using deep hypothermia with low flow rate; 4cases were ligated within the pericardial cavity; 2 cases were ligated outside and then directly sutured the pulmonary orifice through the transpulmonary router 26 cases were divided and sutured under posteriolateral in(?)sion without aortic cross clamping. There were 5 cases of operative death (mortality rate 2.8%) and 1 late death. The indication for closure of PDA under CPB are (1) large ductus associated with severe pulmonary hypertension or the patient is more than 15 years old, (2) recurrent, calcified or infected ductus, (3) associated with other intracardiac anomalies, (4) abnormal position of PDA, (5) associated with systemic hypertension, (6) PDA plug entering the pulmonary artery, (7) window type ductus. We recommend closure of PDA through the transpulmonary route as it is safer than others. The technique of the method was described in detail. Risk factors of the method, postoperative complications and their prevention were also discussed.
Chinese Circulation Journal
Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA)
Cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB)