将Fortran与数据库结合起来,充分利用两者各自的优势对工程分析软件的开发有着重要的意义。对在Fortran应用程序中操作数据库进行了研究和探讨;介绍了使用Fortran进行数据库操作的思想和步骤,然后分别介绍了采用f90SQL和采用混合编程进行数据库操作的方法。无论采用哪种方法,都要遵从使用For tran进行数据库操作的步骤。
It is significant to combine Fortran and Database and utilize their advantages in development of engineering analysis software. It is discussed that how to operate database in the Fortran application program. Firstly, methods and process of how to operate database in the Fortran program are introduced. Secondly, methods to operate database with f90SQL or the mixed-language are also described. All the steps are the same as those of operating database by Fortran no matter what methods are used.
Journal of Wuhan University of Technology:Information & Management Engineering