
钼磷酸钾的研制施用效果及生产工艺 被引量:1

Application effect and technology of production of potassium moly phosphate
摘要 以钼精矿粉为原料,研制和生产出能使豆科作物增产的多元微肥--钼磷酸钾,并对其反应机理从理论上进行分析;初测了组成和性质.经在田问试验研究:用该微肥对大豆、花生进行拌种时的最佳适宜用量为150~225g hm-2,可使大豆增产5.35%~16.72%;花生增产10.1%~16.5%,比目前国内、外常用的钼酸铵产量能提高8%左右.另外,对钼磷酸钾的工业化生产工艺进行了设计. A plural micro fertilizer, potassium molybdenum phosphate, made of molybdenum minerals powder has been developed and produced, which can made leguminous plants increase production. The article analyses the mechanism of its reaction in terms of theory and initially determines its composition and property. Though the experiment and test in the fields, it is found that using a plural micro fertilizer to make seed dressing for soybean or peanut, the best capacity is 150~225g穐m 2, which can make the production of soybean increase by 5.35% ~16.72%, peanut by 10.1% ~16.5%, which can increase production by 8% compared with ammonium molybdate mainly used abroad and at home. Besides, the article deals with the design of the technology about industrial production.
作者 乌凤岐
出处 《辽宁工程技术大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 北大核心 2004年第2期277-279,共3页 Journal of Liaoning Technical University (Natural Science)
关键词 钼磷酸钾 施用效果 生产工艺 化学肥料 potassium molybdenum phosphate plural micro fertilizer use and effect technology of production
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