从阿尔金断裂带的组成、延伸规模、活动时期、活动方式、位错量、活动速率和模式研究诸方面对阿尔金断裂带国内外同行近 2 0年的研究成果进行归纳评述 ,认为阿尔金断裂带主要由 5条断裂组成 ,其中阿尔金断裂延伸长度近 170 0km ,中新生代左旋走滑活动 ,累积位错量达 4 0 0± 5 0km。晚新生代走滑位错量明显由西向东减小 ,这可能与印度板块新生代以来的脉冲式北向俯冲有关。未来 10年 ,阿尔金山的隆升年代学研究。
In this paper,according to the next aspects: component,sca le of extending,initial time of active,style of activity,magnitude of displacement,velocity of strike-slip movement and mode of the Altyn fault,we summarized the research results on the Altyn Fault belts in recently twenty years. And then,we think that Altyn fault belts were composed of five faults,its extent length was about 1 700 km. Reliable age dating showed that Altyn fault initiated from late Mesozoic as sinistral-slip style,the cumulation magnitude of slip was 400±50 km and the displacement from western to eastern part minished since late Cenozoic. Perhaps these were related to the North pulse-style towards subduction of India plate. In the following ten years,studying of the uplift chronology for Altyn mountain,how the Altyn fault controls basin of both side and how to guide the prospect of oil & gas,these will be noticed by more and more geologists.
Advances in Earth Science
国家自然科学基金项目"阿尔金山构造隆升与柴达木盆地沉降时代耦合研究"(编号 :40 2 72 0 99)资助