笔者结合安徽农业生产实际,运用农业技术需求法测算了相关年份第一产业劳动力投入量,在此基础上 结合农业普查和第五次人口普查资料,计算了我省农村劳动力二三产业就业量及剩余数量,并据此提出了促进我 省农村剩余劳动力转移的若干政策建议。
In the light of the agricultural production conditions in Anhui, this article calculates agricultural labor input of relevant years by using the method of demand for agricultural technology. The author further estimates the amount of employed rural labors and surplus amount in industry and service trade, combining information of agricultural survey and the fifth census and proposes policies to promote the transformation of Anhui's rural surplus labors.