目的 探讨在胆道镜协助下通过扩张、置管支撑、引流治疗高位胆肠吻合术后良性吻合口狭窄的效果。方法 将吻合肠管戳创 ,置入胆道镜协助 ,在肠内寻找胆肠吻合口并将其扩张后 ,进行胆道镜检查、取石或冲洗 ,然后纵切吻合口并置入U形管支撑、外引流。结果 5例患者均在 6~ 12月内成功拔管 ,最长随访 3年无复发 ,治疗效果满意。结论 胆道镜协助下 ,扩张纵行切开的狭窄的高位胆肠吻合口后置管支撑引流可以有效地解决狭窄的问题 ,同时费用低廉。
Objective To observe the effect we can obtain through the behavior of dilation drainage and uphold by cholescope,when treating the benign stenosis of the junction after superior cholangiojejumostomy.Methods Place a cholescopy into the cavity of the intestine, look for the anatomsis part of the cholangiojejumostomy and enlarge it,then examination lithotomy and washing can be done by cholescope, do a longitudinal incision to put a U shape tube to support,eactad drainage at last. Results 5 patients get free of the tube in 6 12M with satisfactory and without relapse in yeare.Conclusion With the help of the cholescope,we can not only receive good effect after dilating and put a tuber to support and drain in the narrow part of the superior cholangiojejumostomy,but also with less expenditure,less lesion.
Clinical Journal of Medical Officers