目的 了解补阳还五汤对高脂血症的老年人血脂的作用。方法 选取88例患者随机分治疗组及对照组;治疗组以补阳还五汤为主方分型辨证论治,对照组则口服血脂康;治疗前及治疗后1个月、2个月分别测定TC、TG、HDL-C及LDL-C;对比治疗前后两组疗效。结果 1个月后两组均有效降低TC及LDL-C(P<0.05);对照组2个月后与1个月时无差异,而中药组则更加显著(P<0.01);而降低TG及升HDL-C对照组1、2月均无差异(P>0.05);而中药组则在1个月内无差异,2个月后起效(P<0.05)。结论 补阳还五汤可有效降低高脂血症老年人的血脂水平。
objective To observe the effects of Bu yang huan wu tang (补阳还五汤) on treating thehyperlipaemia of the aged.Methods Eighty-eight cases with geriatric hyperlipaemia were randomlydivided into treatment group and control group. The treatment group was treated with decoction of herbalmedicine named Bu yang huan wu tang and the control group was treated with XueZhiKang(血脂康)tablet.Cholesterol(TC), Triglycerides(TG), High-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C) and low-density lipo-protein-cholesterol(LDL-C) of two groups were measured after one month and two months later separately.Result A month later, the level of total TC,LDL-C were all decreased(P<0.05) in two groups; two monthslater,the control group was no significant differences comparing to one month's, TC,LDL-C decreasedcontinuly in the other group(P<0.01). The control group was no significant differences in TG and HDL-C after two months ,the treatment group has no significant differences in one month, but a significantchangs occured after two months(P<0.05).Conclusion Bu yang huan wu tang may decreased the level ofblood lipid of hyperlipemia in the aged.
International Medicine and Health Guidance News
Bu yang huan wu tang Hyperlipaemia TCM (traditional chinese medicine )pathogenesis