金融自由化与金融有效监管是GATS框架体系在金融服务贸易领域的两大基本目标。为平衡二者之间的关系 ,GATS及其附件规定了审慎监管制度 ,但是审慎例外条款自身规定的抽象性及其优先适用性大大削弱了金融自由化的成果。为弥补审慎例外条款这种实体性规则不足的缺憾 ,GATS为成员方规定了审慎监管标准协调与认可的程序性义务。因此GATS框架下的审慎监管制度身兼二职 。
Financial liberalization and financial supervision efficiency are the fundamental objectives of trade in financial services. GATS and its annex set out prudential carve-out. However, the abstraction of the clause, together with its priority in application, undermines the achievement of financial liberalization. To remedy the deficiency of the lack of substantive rule, GATS stipulates for its members the procedural obligations of cooperation and recognition, so as to strengthen the supervision cooperation and promote the effort to establish a common supervision standard. According to the mechanism, the dynamic balance on the financial liberalization and financial supervision is attained.
Modern Law Science