中国的问题依然是农民问题 ,从长远的和宏观的视野分析 ,解决农民问题的根本出路是加快农业劳动力向城市转移 ,让农民变市民 ,即实现农民市民化。但是 ,从目前形势看 ,我国要实现农民市民化 ,仍面临着认识、政策、制度、信息、农民自身素质等重重障碍。因此 ,要采取切实措施 ,突破农民市民化过程中的障碍 ,让农民自由、自主和自愿地进城谋生或创业 ,平稳地实现由农民向市民的转变 。
The issues of China still peasant's issue, at a long-term one and the fields of vision of macroscopic analyse, The basic outlet of solving peasant's problem is to accelerate agricultural workforce's shifting to the city, It lets peasant become citizen realize peasant citizen ization. How ever, seen from situation at present, our country want realize peasant citizen i zation, Still face very heavy obstacles, such as realizing, policy, system, info rmation, peasant's one's own quality,etc.. However, it wants and take practical measures break through peasant citizen ization obstacle of the course, Make the peasant free, act on one's own and go down town to make a living or start an und ertaking volunteering, realize it from the transition from peasant to citizen st eadily, Have already become a great realistic problem of implementing urbanizati on strategy in all parts at present.
Journal of Laiyang Agricultural College(Social Science Edition)
The peasant citizen ization
The obstacle
Hous ehold register
The system