吉林省在森林鼠害工程治理中,坚持以提高控灾减灾能力为中心,以提高森林自身抗御能力、减少鼠害所造成的损失为目的,贯彻计划控灾、主动御灾、系统管理、分类区划的防治策略,3a共完成鼠害工程治理任务2 7×105hm2,调查监测面积1 4×106hm2。森林鼠害年均发生面积由1 2×105hm2下降到3 6×104hm2。
During the engineering control on forest rodent damage in Jilin province, following strategies were adopted: Proceeding control in a planned way; Taking the initiative in defensive behavior; Making a systematic management; Dividing areas by the classification. Three years results showed that: Controlled areas were up to 2.7×10~5 hm^2 ; Monitoring areas amounted to 1.4×10~6 hm^2; Occurrence areas of forest rodent damage fell from 1.2×10~5 hm^2 to 3.6 ×10~4 hm^2.
Journal of Jilin Forestry Science and Technology