【目的】调查长沙市 5 0 10 6名围生儿出生缺陷的发生情况并进行对比分析 ,了解本地区近 4年来各种出生缺陷检出率、围生儿死亡率的变化趋势 ,探讨切实可行的有效干预措施。【方法】对 2 0 0 0年 1月至2 0 0 3年 12月长沙市内 13所医院产科分娩的 5 0 10 5名围生儿进行出生缺陷监测 ,统计分析出生缺陷儿的检出率、围生儿死亡率、各种出生缺陷的发生率、类别、构成比并逐年进行比较。【结果】①共发现出生缺陷儿72 6例 ,出生缺陷检出率为 14 .4 9‰ ,有逐年增高趋势。 2 0 0 0年与 2 0 0 2年、2 0 0 3年比较P <0 .0 5 ;2 0 0 1年与2 0 0 2年、2 0 0 3年比较P <0 .0 0 5。②共死亡围生儿 6 97例 ,围生儿死亡率为 13.91‰ ,2 0 0 1年与 2 0 0 2年、2 0 0 3年比较亦逐年增高 (P <0 .0 5 )。③发病率最高的出生缺陷疾病前五名依次为外耳畸形 (1.4 0‰ ) ,先天性心脏病 (1.34‰ ) ,多指 (趾 ) (1.32‰ ) ,唇裂合并腭裂 (1.0 2‰ ) ,先天性脑积水 (0 .94‰ )。先天性心脏病和先天性脑积水发病率明显增高 ,排名逐年前移。④ 2 0 0 3年实施治疗性引产 5 8例。【结论】本市出生缺陷检出率、围生儿死亡率的上升趋势及严重的心、脑出生缺陷疾患发病率的增加应引起高度重视 ,一旦发现严重出生缺陷病例 ,及时行治疗性?
To conduct a screening survey of birth defects occurred in 50106 perinatal fetuses of Changsha City ; to understand the detection rate of various birth defects and changing tendency of perinatal mortality in this district around recent four years ; and to explore the feasible and effective intervention measures.The birth defects of 50105 perinatal fetuses delivered in 13 hospitals of Changsha from Jan.2000 to Dec.2003 were monitored . The detection rates of neonates with birth defects, mortality of perinatal fetus, incidence, kinds and constitutional ratio of various birth defects were analyzed statistically and compared year by year.①Seven hundred and twenty-six neonates with birth defect were found , the detection rate was 14.49‰. There was an increasing tendency year after year, when the detection rates in year 2000/2001 were compared with those in 2002 /2003(P<0.05;P<0.005). ②Six hundred and ninety-seven perinatal fetus died, with a mortality rate of 13.91‰. An increasing tendency year by year was also seen, when the mortality in year 2001 was compared with those in 2002 and 2003(P<0.05). ③The first five diseases of birth defects with highest incidence were ear malformation(1.40‰),congenital heart disease(CHD,1.34‰), polydactylia (1.32‰), cheiloschisis associated with palatoschisis(1.02‰) and congenital hydrocephalus (CH,0.94‰).The incidences of CHD and CH increased significantly , with their order on this list moved forward each year.④Therapeutic induced abortion was performed in 58 cases within 2003. [Conclusion] Cautious attention should be paid to the increasing tendency of birth defect detection rate, perinatal mortality and morbidity of severe heart/lung birth defective diseases in Changsha. Therapeutic induced abortion would be recommended to do on time, if cases with severe birth defects were once found. Augmentation of environment protection and health care during pregnancy, establishment of birth defect monitoring system based on population and regular routine prenatal examin
Journal of Clinical Research