目的 了解贵阳市城区社区卫生服务人力资源现状。方法 采取问卷普查的方法 ,拟定统一调查表 ,下发各个社区卫生服务中心 (站 )填写上报。结果 贵阳城区大专以上学历的社区卫生服务人员 32 5名 (4 4 6 5 % ) ,初级、中级、高级职称的比例为 6 5∶3 7∶1 0 ,医护比为 1 0∶0 9,2 1 88%的社区卫生服务医务人员接受过全科医学培训。结论 政府及卫生部门应尽快建立具体的配套政策 ,引入市场经济管理模式 ,确立灵活运行机制。加强人员培训和队伍建设 ,培养高素质的社区卫生服务队伍 ,达到岗位、人员的合理配置 。
Objective To know the present state of human resources in the community health service in Guiyang city.Methods General investigation was adopted in the community health service stations.Results The amount of community health service stalf who got professional training was 325(44.65%).The rater of elementary middle senior professional post were 6.5∶3.7∶1 respectirely and the rate of do course for general practitioner.Conclusion It is necessary for the government and medical department to establish the harmonious policies and the flexible running mechanisms,to strengthen the personnel cultivation and team building,and to implement the general practice training project.
Chinese General Practice