

Price competition on processed oil
摘要 目前,国内成品油市场主要的竞争主体是中石化集团和中石油集团。而成品油做为一种特殊的商品,其用户、用量相对稳定,这使得它具有区别于其他一般商品的特性。本文作者利用博弈论的基本思想及方法,对中石化、中石油在成品油市场采用的价格竞争策略展开了评价,并得出结论:采用竞合策略,既有利于双方的共同发展和长远利益,也有利于双方应对2004年底后成品油零售市场和2006年后成品油批发市场全面放开后的挑战。 该观点虽属一家之言,但对正处在市场竞争主体中的两大集团公司销售系统来说,无疑具有一定的参考价值。 Currently, the main competitive majors in domestic processed oil market are CNPC and Sinopec. No matter which side launches a price war during the competition, the sales profits of these two must have a decline comparing to the profits before the war. Adopting price strategy for a competition, even in a reasonable way, will lead to a totally opposite result to the decision maker's original will. Undoubtedly, they all have to suffer from the competition. Therefore, the groups can sign a 'win-win' contract similar to market admittance by negotiation, and cooperate in some areas. The strategy of 'Co-opetition' will not only promote the development and long-term benefit of both sides, but also assist the two parties to meet the challenges when the retail and wholesales market of processed oil is fully open in the future.
作者 李岳
出处 《中国石油企业》 2004年第3期38-40,1,共3页 China Petroleum Enterprise


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