目的 :用比色法测定水杨酸钠的光密度值 ,并计算血浆半衰期。方法 :给 1 1只家兔静脉注射 1 0 %的水杨酸钠溶液 2毫升 /公斤 ,用 72 1 -I型分光光度计测定给药瞬间和隔 30分钟时的血浆光密度值 ,计算水杨酸钠的血浆半衰期。结果 :t1/2 =2 8.96± 4 .97。结论 :绝大多数药物是按一级动力学规律消除 ,因此每一种药物都有固定的血浆半衰期 。
Objective:To determine the numerical value of light dense of sodium salicylate by colorimetric analysis,and calculate its plasma half life.Methods:After intravenous injection 10 percent sodium salicylate solution 2 ml/kg into eleven rabbits,determined plasma numerical value of light dense once instantly and the second time determined it 30 minutes later by 721-type spectroscope,calculated plasma half life of sodium salicylate.Results:t\-\{1/2\}=28.96±4.97.Conclusion:Most drugs are eliminated in the rule of first order elimination kinetics,therefore plasma half life of each drug is constant and it doesn't vary with plasma concentration.
Journal of Datong Medical College