37例混合性结缔组织病(MCTD)患者的 HLA—A、—B、—DR 抗原分型研究结果表明:在符合 Sharp 标准的 MCTD 患者中,HLA、DR_4、DR_5 抗原频率明显增高,分别为60.9%(RR=4.67,Pc<0.05)和56.5%(RR=4.6,Pc<0.05).而在不符合 Sharp 标准的 MCTD 患者中未发现与 HLA 抗原相关.提示符合 Sharp 标准的 MCTD 患者与不符合该标准的 MCTD 患者的遗传背景存在差异。在研究 MCTD 的不同临床表现型与 HLA 相关性中发现有肌炎表现的 MCTD 患者中 HLA—、DR_4、DR_5抗原频率增高(P<0.05).此外在研究抗 U_1RNP70KD 多肽抗体与 HLA 相关性中发现:抗70KD 阳性同时符合 sharp 标准的患者中 HLA—DR_4、DR_5频率升高(61.9%、56.5%,Pc<0.05),而抗70KD 多肽抗体阳性,但不符合 sharp 标准患者中 HLA—DR_4、DR_5抗原频率并不增高(Pc>0.05).
In this report,We performed HLA-A、—B and DR antigens typing and detected antibodies to U_1RNP ploypeptide antigen by Immunblotting in 37 patients with MCTD.The results showed that (1)there were no significant differences between the MCTD patients and normal controls in the frequencies of HLA—A,—B antigens.(2)there were significant differences between patients fulfilling sharp's criteria and normal controls in the frequencies of DR4 and R5 (60.9%,RR=4.7,Pc<0.05 and 56.5%,RR=4.7,Pc<0.05).but there were no significant differencesbetween patients not ulfilling Sharp's cri teria and normal controls in the frequencies of HLA—DR(Pc>0.05).(3)the frequencies of DR4 and R5 in MCTD patients with myositis were increasedcompared with these without myositis(P<0.05).(4)there were ignificant differences betweenU_1RNP 70KD—positive patients who fulfilled Sharp's criteria and normal controls in he frequenciesof DR4 and DR5(61.9%,Pc<0.05 and 52.3% Pc<0.05),but there were no significantdifferences between _1RNP 70KD-positive patients who did not fulfill Sharp's criteria and normalcontrols(Pc>0.05).
Chinese Journal of Immunology