将催芽至露白的稗草和水稻种子直接接种在于PDA培养基上培养形成的 4种稗草病原菌 (交链孢菌、弯孢菌、禾长蠕孢菌稗草专化型、尖角突脐孢菌 )菌落上 ,观察稻、稗苗感病情况 ,调查根、芽生长抑制率。结果表明 ,4种菌对稻、稗的致病性和生长抑制率与常规生测法结果基本吻合。说明在培养基中初步测定、筛选稗草生防潜力菌是可行的。该方法与常规生测法比较 ,可节省一半时间左右 ,同时可减少工作量。
Alternaria alternata, Curvularia lunata, Helminthosporium gramineum Rabenh f. sp. echinochloae and Exserohilum monoceras are pathogenic fungi of barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli). Germinated seeds (coleoptile and radicle just emerged) of barnyardgrass and rice were directly inoculated on colonies of the pathogenic fungi cultured on PDA plates. Infection and growth inhibition of barnyardgrass and rice seedlings were investigated after culturing for several days. Results showed that the pathogenicity and growth inhibition of barnyardgrass by the four pathogens were almost the same with the results of normal test. Comparing to the normal test, the bioassay can save half time and reduce workload for testing and screening.
Chinese Journal of Biological Control
国家自然科学基金 (30 0 70 5 0 5 )
浙江省重点资助项目 (0 1110 2 4 6 9)