目的 观察针尖斜面不同朝向垂直穿刺常用药物密封瓶胶塞碎屑的形成结果 ,以寻找减少胶塞碎屑形成的实用方法。 方法 取同一批号青霉素密封瓶 592瓶 ,分别用左向法、右向法、上向法及下向法各穿刺 14 8瓶次 ,观察各朝向穿刺胶塞碎屑的形成 ,将 4种方法穿刺胶塞碎屑形成的结果构成比进行统计学处理。 结果 4种朝向穿刺胶塞以左向法穿刺胶塞碎屑形成率最低。 结论 相同条件下 4种穿刺方法胶塞碎屑的形成机率以左向法最低 ,是一种安全。
Objective Observe the result of the forma tion of debris of rubber cork through puncturing the bottles lated by a commonly used medicine with the method of the oblique plane of the needle t op facing to different direction,in order to look for a practical method to reduce the formation of debris of the rubber c ork Methods We took the luted bottles of penicillin from two different batch numbers,592 bottles ,luted 148 bottles, res pectively with the method of 4 different direction, the directions left, right,up and down, and observed the condition o f the formation of debris through puncturing the rubber corks from different direction Then delt with its results and the d ebris rate of the formation of debris of rubber corks through puncturing the luted bottles from 4 directions through statistics Results Among the 4 directions, the formative rate of debris is the lowest through puncturing the same quality rubbe r cork from left direction Conclusion 4 puncture method glue fill forming probability of piece in with left directions i s lowest under the the same Condition It is safety utility method
Journal of Snake
perpendicular puncture
debris of rub ber stopper
lutation bottles