中国自改革开放以来 ,工业化实际上在走城乡二元发展的道路 ,城市化与工业化相伴生。消费需求的三次升级 ,一方面刺激了经济增长 ,使城市化的生活方式在城市和广大农村地区快速扩展 ,另一方面 ,也吸引了外资和技术的引进。浙江的民营企业加专业市场是中国自下而上城镇化的典范 ,江苏的集体经济加开发区建设是政府主导城市化发展的一种模式。本文重点探讨中国改革开放 2 5年来城市化的主要动力机制变化及其对经济社会发展的影响 ,并进行浙江。
Since the reform and opening up, Chinas industrialization has been following dual courses in urban and rural areas, and urbanization and industrialization have been developing simultaneously. The three upgrading of consumption demands having taken place in China not only helps stimulate economic growth and enables the rapid penetration of urbanized lifestyle in both cities and rural area but also facilitates the introduction of foreign investment and technologies. The private business, and the collective economy and the establishment of development zones are a model of urbanization led by Chinese government. The paper examines the changes of the major driving force mechanism of urbanization over the 25 years of reform and opening up as well as their impact on social and economic development. It then presents two case studies of urbanization in Zhenjiang and Jiangsu Provinces respectively. Current1y, Chinas industrialization and urbanization complement each other. Since the reform and opening up, Chinas industrialization is indeed following dua1 courses in the urban and rural areas. Urbanization is also a process of building up towns and cities in the rural area and the industrialization and suburbization of cities. The increasing job opportunities created by accelerated industrialization stimulates the movement of rural surplus laborers from a small scale on a bottom up basis to a large scale and forms c1usters in large cities. The urbanization process has passed a long period of slow development and entered into a rapid advanced stage. Since the reform and opening up, the three upgrading of consumption demands has on the one hand stimulated economic growth and enab1es the rapid spread of urban lifestyle in the rural and Urban areas, and on the other hand it attracts huge foreign investment and technologies. The private businesses and specialized market in Zhejiang Province are the paradigm of bottom up urbanization in China, and the collective economy and the establishment of development zones is a m
Human Geography
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (40 2 710 43 )。
economic and social development