为评价现代免疫学技术课程中以课题设计为基础的课堂讨论的实施效果 ,进行问卷调查 ,结果表明对学生自学能力、思考能力、创新能力等方面有所助益 ,也存在对获得知识缺乏系统性与完整性等问题。
In the course of modern immunologic technique, a method of program design-based discussion is put forward, in which the students working as a group design research programs involving immunologic technique to solve clinical problems. In order to evaluate the effect of this method, we investigated 74 students who had taken part in the teaching with questionnaire. The result shows that this method is advantageous to intrigue the study interest, improve the ability of self-study, thinking, expression, and corporation with others. Program design-based discussion is a valuable try to combine the basic medical education with clinical education.
China Higher Medical Education