本文以东盟的“大国平衡”战略为视角 ,分析了金融危机以来中国与东盟关系变化的动因。文章认为 ,“大国平衡”是东盟一贯的对外战略。金融危机发生后 ,中国与东盟实现首脑会晤虽然主要是双边关系发展的延续 ,但是在一定程度上也是东盟为平衡对美国和日本依赖的结果。中国—东盟自由贸易区的构建 ,就东盟而言存在借助中国的力量 ,促使日本加强同东盟经济联系的愿望 ,而 2 0 0 3年双边关系的新发展 。
It is the basic foreign strategy of ASEAN to maintain 'a balance of power'. In this paper, the author tries to explain the reason why the relations between Ch ina and ASEAN changed after Asian financial crisis from this point of view. Afte r the crisis, in order not to rely more on Japan and America, ASEAN began to see k support from China. To urge Japan to strengthen its economic relations with AS EAN, the latter attempted to build China-ASEAN Free Trade Area. In 2003, there were some new changes in China-ASEAN relations. Those changes can be explained by ASEANs desire of counter balancing its reliance on Americas military powe r.
International Forum