把国民体质评价总分和国民经济发展指标相结合分析两者间的关系。江苏省幼儿体质与地区经济差异无关 ;儿童青少年体质与家庭收入有关 ;成年人和老年人体质与人口增长率及恩格尔系数相关 ;城市人体质与恩格尔系数负相关而农村相反 ,反映江苏省经济快速发展与居民体质整体改善尚不协调 ,特别是农村人群较突出。
In this article, the relationship between Jiangsu residents' physical fitness and national economic status in Jiangsu province was analyzed by comparing the total scores for physical fitness evaluation and the economic development targets. The result shows: the physical fitness of the residents has no significant correlation with regional economic differences, but that of those aged from 7-19 is related to family incomes, that of those aged more than 20 is related to the growth ratio of population, and that of urban residents is negatively related to Engel's coefficient which, contrarily, is positively correlated with physical fitness of rural residents. It was concluded that the general improvement of Jiangsu residents' physical fitness (especially for rural residents) is still uncoordinated with Jiangsu economic growth rate.
Sports & Science