新党章规定包括私营企业主在内的新阶层中的优秀分子可以入党具有重要意义。它反映了社会主义初级阶段的历史必然性 ;体现了党的执政思维的转变 ;坚持了马克思主义理论与时俱进的要求。同时 ,讨论了新时期判断党的先进性的标准和判断私营企业主入党的标准。
A resolution that excellent members of new classes including private entrepreneurs may apply to join the Party, has been written in the new Party Constitution. It evokes the historic necessity of the primary stage of socialism,reflects the change of administrative mind,and insists the demand that Marxism should be developed with times. Moreover, the author analyzes the advanced nature of the Party and how to judge the standard for the private enterpreneurs to join the Party.
Journal of Taiyuan University of Technology(Social Science Edition)