目的 探讨提高和确保新生儿BCG接种工作质量的方法和途径。方法 采取完善全市组织管理体系、全员培训、设常年新生儿BCG监测门诊、扩大监测面等措施。结果 1999— 2 0 0 1年 ,新生儿BCG接种率、接种后 12周末PPD阳转率、卡痕率、PPD反应平均直径、卡痕平均直径等监测指标均稳定达标 ,及时发现消除不利因素 ,对接种无效的 10 2名进行了补种。结论 强化组织管理体系 ,全员培训 ,连续、动态、全覆盖监测有利于BCG接种质量的恒定提高。
Objective To determine the methods and approaches for improving and guaranteeing the quality of neonatal BCG vaccination.Methods The following approaches like perfecting organization and management system,training all personnel of neonatal BCG vaccination,developing perennial outpatient service of surveillance of neonatal BCG vaccination and expanding the area of surveillance were implemented.Results From 1999 to 2001,the rate of neonatal BCG vaccination ,the PPD positive rate after 12 weeks' BCG vaccination ,the rates of BCG scar,the mean values of diameter of induration in PPD skin test and that of BCG scar all stably reached a set of standard.The problem of vaccination were promptly detected and solved.102 individuals that with the bad quality of vaccination were reccinated.Conclusion Consummating organization and management system,training all personnel,and continuous,dynamic and overall surveillance could improve quality of neonatal BCG vaccination.
Chinese Journal of Antituberculosis