192 8年统一前后 ,是民国政治转折的重要关头 ,中国的统一面临来自帝国主义势力和军阀主义势力两个方面的挑战。身处其间的关键人物蒋介石在外交上采取措施 ,尽量减少北伐统一中帝国主义势力的掣肘 ,避开并侧面对抗日本对中国统一的阻挠 ,成功并且策略地抵制了日本的侵略。在二次北伐中 ,蒋介石消灭北洋政权 ,促成东北易帜 ,打击了军阀势力 ,推进了国家统一的进程 ;但在军事善后的过程中 ,蒋介石以裁兵削夺异己势力 ,使国民党派系矛盾再次激化 ,引发新的内战 ,统一局面得而复失 ,构成严重政治败笔。事实表明 ,1 92
The time around the unification of 1928 was an important political transition during the period of Republican China, at that time China's unification faced double challenges both from the imperialism and from militarism. The key character Chang Kai-shek took measure to the best of his ability in diplomacy, reduced the disturbance of imperialism and escaped the stimy of Japan's aggression successfully and tactically. During process of the second Northern Expedition, Chang Kai-shek perished the northern regime and procured Changing Banner of the Northeast, stroke the force of warlord and boosted the process of national unification. However, Chang Kai-shek stroke the alien forces by disarmament during postwar affairs, this made the conflict in KMT so sharp again that caused new civil war, thus the unification ended and that formed his serious political failure. All the fact indicated that the effect of unification of 1928 was limited.
Collected Papers of History Studies