目的 总结和分析深圳市宝安区自建国以来丝虫病流行特征和 70年代以来的防治效果。 方法 通过采取传播媒介防制 ,消灭传染源 ,全民服用海群生药盐 ,查治微丝蚴血症者 ,防、治结合等综合性措施。 结果 查明该区传播媒介为致倦库蚊 ,病原为班氏丝虫。 1977~ 1985年普查共调查流行区 5 45 60人 ,占人口数的 66 0 4%( 5 45 60 82 62 0 ) ,查出微丝蚴血症者 999人 ,微丝蚴率为 1 83 %。经过大力防治 ,该区于 1985年达到基本消灭丝虫病标准 ,1988年达到消灭丝虫病标准。 结论 深圳市宝安区丝虫病防治措施有效 ,效果显著。
Objective To sum up and analyze the prevalent features of filariasis after the founding of the republic in 1949 and results of control in Baoan District of Shenzhen City since the 1970'. Methods Integrated measures were taken including survey of transmission vector,elimination of infectious sources,mass administration of DEC-medicated salt,detection and treatment of microfilariaemias. Results It has been determined the pathogen is Filarial bancrofti and Cules quinquefasciatus is transmission vector.A total of 54 560 people accounted for 66.04% of the total poulation was surveyed during 1977~1985 and 999 microfilariaemias had been detected with an microfilarial rate of 1.83%.The criterion for basic elimination of filariasis was,after great effort made in the control of the disease,attained in Baoan District in 1986 and the criterion for eradication of filariasis was attained in 1998. Conclusion The measures for the control of filariasis in Baoan District of Shenzhen City is markedly effective.
China Tropical Medicine