关于中国经济转型时期劳动力市场性别不平等的研究 ,现有文献涉及了根基于中国传统文化的性别歧视和旧的国家再分配体制与新兴市场机制的交互作用。围绕就业 (失业 )的性别不平等 ,归纳、提炼理论观点 ,提出研究假设 ,利用第五次全国人口普查抽样数据进行实证分析。分析显示 ,在两性就业差异上 ,没有发现性别歧视的作用 ;旧的国家再分配与新兴的市场机制对失业性别差异的交互影响作用于中低学历女性劳动者 ,而且这种作用是暂时的。这意味着 ,性别不平等的“自身逻辑”
In the literature on gender inequalities in labor markets during China's economic transition, attention has been drawn to the interactions between the rising market mechanisms and gender discrimination based on Chinese traditional culture, and old fashion state redistribution.With the focus on gender inequality in the employment opportunities in cities,this paper summarizes theoretical views,formulates research hypothesis,and conducts an empirical analysis on sample data of China's Fifth Population Census in 2000.It finds that as market transition has considerably deepened,there is no sign of gender discrimination effect on employment inequality,and the interaction effect of state redistribution with market mechanisms on gender inequality in employment restricts to urban female workers with middle and low level educational attainments and tends to diminish.This implies that research interests in this field may turn to the inherent logic of gender inequaality.
Market & Demographic Analysis